Tuesday, March 29, 2011


The storyboard, I found, was a relatively easy project. It was easy for the fact that I had my group members so the tasks were all split evenly in creating our storyboard. Also, I have worked in Google Docs before so I found it generally pretty easy in navigating through all the tools I needed to make the storyboard. I personally was assigned to finding pictures on the internet and putting them on to the slideshow. I also put together the works cited page. I thought our group got a very good start in putting together what we plan on putting in to our project. Some of the slides didn't turn up as I thought they would put it all looked pretty good for the draft.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Name Project

This project was a lot of fun to do because I got to explore and share all the things that I like to do and all of my favorite things. I also found it fun because finding pictures of objects in nonrepresentational ways. It was a bit of a challenge to find the letters of my name and then I got to play around with them in Iphoto and changing up all the effects and colorings of the pictures. Then, one of my favorite parts was adding the song of our choice and I of course chose one of my favorite songs. I also enjoyed that I got to put in pictures of my friends and me. I love to look back at all the pictures of my friends and me because there is always a story to go along with every picture and so it brings back the memories of the times I was with my friends on that particular day.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Charity Letter

This charity letter project was pretty exciting for me because I immediately knew what business I wanted to choose and what charity they sponsor, which is one I also support. Even though Haddad's, a grocery store in West Peoria where I live, burned down to the ground on New Years Day 2011, it is still a big part of West Peoria, just as it had been before when it had a physical building. One of the many charities Haddad's supports is St. Jude. Since St. Jude was a very obvious and common charity to choose for this project, I decided to go for something even more in depth. That's why I chose the Dax Locke Foundation, as that is also a community-themed charity.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

M&M Project

In this M&M project, I counted up all of the M&M's and sorted them according to their color. With the data that I gathered through counting the M&M's, I composed an excel doc. I also collected the data of the other people's M&M's at my table. I also put this information in my excel chart. Also with this information, I created a pie graph and changed the colors of the graph. I also changed the formatting of my excel chart to make it look prettier. I changed the color and the font. I used the applications on excel to find the sum of all of the different colors of M&M's and the total average.

Monday, March 14, 2011

My First Blog

In tech this trimester, I don't have many expectations. I would love to just learn more about our laptops so that I will be knowledgeable on how to use it when I am working on projects for other classes. I am pretty excited about doing the My Life project because I have seen all of my friends' projects and they are so cute and look like so much fun. I loved looking at their old pictures and I am excited to do the same. I am also excited to work with the picture and movie software. I haven't had much official experience with any of the applications on my laptop with the exception of a little bit of use from IMovie for a couple of projects the past two trimesters.