Tuesday, April 19, 2011

PND Culture Group Project Part II

Our particular project on French I came out really well done in my opinion. Our interviews and information all came together great in the final movie. Our group worked really well together and from  creating the storyboard to accomplishing the entire project, our group worked really well together. We got everything done promptly and on time and we all shared a part in completing the project. Our interviews with Mrs. Rodolfi, the French I teacher, and Mrs. Johnson, the counselor that will be assisting the incoming freshmen in signing up for their desired language course, turned out great!

PND Culture Group Project

This project was great to do in my opinion. I really enjoy mentoring and I am glad to help people out, so I was excited to find out that our projects will be "helping out" the incoming freshmen in a way by getting acquainted with PND and the activities we offer here. I also really enjoyed this project for the fact that we were able to work in groups. I really love to work with new people and have input and get fresh ideas from other people. All around I found this project to be a really good idea and quite fun for me!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I decided to do my podcast project on The Princess Bride because it is one of my all time favorite movies and I know it like the back of my hand. I had previously read the book and then watched the movie for the first time in several years just about a year ago, and I feel in love with the movie all over again, as it had been one of my favorite movies to watch at my neighbor's house when I was younger. I hadn't worked much with Garageband before this podcast project but I felt that it was generally pretty easy to navigate and figure out. I thought this was a fun project because we got to talk about some of our favorite things.